Friday, March 2, 2012

Conservative Charles Krauthammer -- "Santorum blew it"

Krauthammer's column in the Washington Post : "Rather than sticking to his considerable working-class, Reagan-Democrat appeal, he kept wandering back to his austere social conservatism."

In his column, Krauthammer pounces on a Republican candidate (Santorum) who "blew it" by publicly standing for basic GOP articles of faith  -- social (and thought control) policies that might have been coin of the realm 75 years ago. No wait, when was the Scopes Monkey Trial? 
The core platform of the Republican Party, if enacted,  would socially engineer America into a clone of Somalia -- but with bigger cars and much bigger debt.  Consider what will be the essential identity of the two countries:

a weak central government, no regulation save religious orthodoxy, no gun control, lots of uninhibited piracy ("innovative entrepreneurship") , women as second class citizens who need to "put an aspirin between their legs" while finding themselves part of a polygamous or serial "monogamous" harem  (ala' Newt Gingrich, John Ensign, Mark Sanford, et al).

For interesting reading, follow this calendar.

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