Thursday, March 29, 2012

On Broccoli, Guns, Flour and "Illegal Downloads"

The Justice Dept has dismantled Megaupload, the popular file sharing site because some of its users were illegally uploading and downloading.  Meanwhile, gun manufacturers are not dismantled because some of their customers blow people away with their product.  And Seagrams and Philip Morris seem to be doing fine as hundreds of thousands of their customers -- and some innocent bystanders -- die from their products.

Kim Kardashian is pressing assault charges against the PETA activist who flour bombed her (will General Mills be sued?).   Meanwhile, if you're a white guy packing heat, local law enforcement won't press charges if you chase down and lethally "defend" yourself from a black kid packing Skittles.

Justice Scalia is terrified that if President Obama's healthcare reform stands, the federal government can compel Americans to buy broccoli.

Corporations are people.

Women on birth control are sluts.

Unlimited, anonymous money is free speech.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us." -- Pogo

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